Mr. Kutubudding Ahmed During LEED Award, 2016

Born in 1956 in Dhaka, Mr. Kutubuddin Ahmed graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). He began his business career with Envoy in 1984. Starting with a single Garment manufacturing unit, today this businesses that Mr. Ahmed started have transformed into most thriving entities in Bangladesh. ENVOY LEGACY now consists of Garments, Textile, Real Estate and Freight Forwarding. Mr. Ahmed is a self-motivated person with strong principles. Under his dynamic leadership and farsightedness.


  1. B.Sc. Engg. (Mechanical Engineering)
    Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka
    Graduation Year: 1979
  2. Higher Secondary Certificate
    Dhaka College, Dhaka
    Passing Year: 1974
  3. Secondary School Certificate
    Government Laboratory School, Dhaka
    Passing Year: 1972

Having entrepreneurial talent and vast experience, Mr. Ahmed has succeeded to promote and administer industrial & business enterprises in manufacturing and exporting of readymade garments, textiles, information technology, airlines, freight forwarding, hospitality industry, trading (local and international), real estate development, consumer products to name just a few.

Mr. Kutubuddin Ahmed along with his Son Mr. Tanvir Ahmed (Managing Director, Envoy Legacy) During Kar Bahadur Awards, 2017

Mr. Ahmed, over the years has been accredited with numerous awards for his active contribution towards the development of the sports community of Bangladesh. He was awarded with "National Sports Award 2002" the highest recognition for contribution as a sports organizer in Bangladesh. He has also received other notable awards, which include international Olympic Committee (IOC) Trophy "Sports and Community" to name just a few.

Mr. Ahmed has undertaken various Social-Welfare initiatives for the downtrodden people and continues to operate a number of his own charitable (non profit) organizations in various parts of the country. He also works very closely with the local community and actively takes part in local charities, sports sponsorship, youth sports, drug awareness programs etc.

Personal Information

BIRTHDATE January 21, 1956
FATHER Late Md. Saadat Ali,
Retired Government Officer
MOTHER Late Ambia Khatun,
WIFE Mrs. Rashida Ahmed,
Envoy Legacy
SON Tanvir Ahmed,
Managing Director,
Envoy Legacy
Envoy Textiles Limited
Sheltech Group
Green Textile Limited

Bangladesh Ceramic Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BCMEA)
Bangladesh Gymnastics Federation (BGF)

Former Director,
Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)
DAUGHTER Sumayyah Ahmed,
Envoy Legacy
Sheltech (Pvt.) Limited
Sheltech Brokerage Limited